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The Imperfect Tense The Verbs of the 3rd Group Lesson 4: The verbs conjugating like: sentir, connaître, construire, and faire

The verbs of the third group are called irregular verbs because they don’t follow the same conjugation as the verbs of the first and the second groups. Their conjugation varies according to their roots. In this lesson, we will study the verbs conjugating like: sentir, connaître, construire, and faire.

Verbs conjugating like sentir

To conjugate the verbs conjugating like “sentir” into the imperfect tense, we remove “ir” at the end of the verb and replace it with “ais, ais, ait, ions, iez, aient”.

Je sentais
Tu sentais
Il /elle/ on sentait
Nous sentions
Vous sentiez
Ils/elles sentaient

The verbs conjugating like “sentir” are consentir, démentir, mentir, pressentir, ressentir, sortir.

En embrassant sa fille, il montrait à tout le monde qu’il consentait à son mariage avec le fils de son ennemi juré.
By kissing his daughter, he showed everybody that he agreed to her marriage to the son of his sworn enemy.

Tout le monde les accusait d’être à l’origine de l’incendie, mais ils démentaient toujours les faits.
Everybody accused them of causing the fire, but they always denied the facts.

Nous étions des enfants parfaits : nous étions sages, polis, propres et nous ne mentions jamais.
We were perfect children: we were good, polite, clean and we never lied.

Verbs conjugating like connaître

To conjugate the verbs conjugating like “connaître” into the imperfect tense, we remove “tre” at the end of the verb and replace it with “ssais, ssais, ssait, ssions, ssiez, ssaient”.

Je connaissais
Tu connaissais
Il /elle/ on connaissait
Nous connaissions
Vous connaissiez
Ils/elles connaissaient

The verbs conjugating like connaître are apparaître, comparaître, disparaître, méconnaître, paraître, réapparaître, reconnaître.

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