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The Conjunctions of subordination: comme, lorsque, puisque, quand, que, quoique, and si

There are two kinds of conjunctions. The conjunctions of coordination and the conjunctions of subordination. Conjunctions are invariable words or phrases that join two parts of speech, two clauses or even two sentences. Conjunctions can help form a relation between words, clauses or sentences such as opposition, addition, consequence, cause etc...

Today’s lesson is about the conjunctions of subordination “comme”, “lorsque”, “puisque”, “quand”, “que”, “quoique”, and “si”.

The conjunctions of subordination link two clauses, a main clause and a dependent clause that starts with the conjunction of subordination.


“Comme” has many meanings. As a conjunction of subordination it means “as”. It is used to express cause. It is usually placed in the beginning of the sentence.

Comme tu n’étais pas venu à l’heure, j’ai pris le train sans toi.
As you didn’t show up on time, I took the train without you.

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