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The Present Simple. Verbs of the First Group


There are three groups of verbs in French:

The first group: The verbs end in “er” and follow the same conjugation except for “aller” which is a verb of the 3rd group.

The second group: This group comprises all verbs that end in “ir” and which their present participle ends in “issant” For example: finir is a verb of the second group because it ends in “ir” and its present participle ends in “issant” : finissant

The third group: comprises all the other verbs. We also call them “irregular verbs” because they don’t follow any specific conjugation. For example: prendre, tenir, voir, etc.

We use le présent de l’indicatif to express a general truth, a general state, a quality, a defect, or a present action or state.

For example:

Le soleil se lève à l’est et se couche à l’ouest.
Elle fait toujours des bêtises
Il fume rarement quand il travaille.
Yvon et sa copine vont au cinéma tous les samedis soir.
Je suis un peu timide avec les gens que je ne connais pas.
Il parle trop!!!!
Nous sommes occupés maintenant.


The conjugation of a verb to the present de l’indicatif depends on the verb itself. In French, there are three groups of verbs. The first and the second groups are regular verbs. The third comprises all irregular verbs that don't follow any specific rule.

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